
How does Halo Flights Manage their Chats and Measure Performance?

Team Coordinator, Halo Flights

What were the challenges you had before you started using Click Connector?

We had some challenges in terms of investigating the performance of our sales agents and the various campaigns that we run. As we were unable to identify areas that needed marketing, we were unsure of our ROI. Moreover, we have one team for the Philippines and another for holidays, therefore it was hard for us to manage and understand all conversations through Facebook Messenger. In addition, we use the WhatsApp web for chat follow-ups. However, WhatsApp allows only two people to use an account at a given time. 

What are the steps you took to solve the problem? Are there any products you used before Click Connector?

We used to manage website chats before we reached Click Connector, it was good, but we needed software to manage all platforms conveniently.

  • Solution for Multiple Users on WhatsApp: The WhatsApp solutions that we checked had a limit on the number of users that can use them, and most of them were capped at two users. Only Click Connector provided a solution for this issue. Compared to the old version, the newer version of Click Connector has more capabilities since all the communication platforms are part of one dashboard.

How did you find Click Connector?

Click Connector was recommended to us by one of our sales agents. It was brought to attention for the SMS integration capability, but soon we realized it had more to offer.

How did Click Connector meet your requirements? Are there any additional reasons why Click Connector was the right fit for your business?

Click Connector has a comprehensive understanding of the sales workflows. We were able to increase and improve the performance of our agents with these inbuilt workflows. By using a single platform, we were able to connect the Website chat, Facebook, and WhatsApp conversations, and follow-up whenever required.

The features are pretty straightforward. One of the features that caught our attention was the different medium follow-up. It’s quite interesting. We are also planning to use Click Connector's email integration to send across quotes, booking references, and web chat follow-ups.

When it comes to monitoring stats, Click Connector provides us with useful insights in terms of user performance and marketing, which in turn has cut down on the manual workload. This has saved us a lot of time and effort. 

Last but not the least, the live chat collects the email addresses on the pre-chat form which we can use to follow up with visitors even if they leave the website. It is helpful in scenarios where a chat is initiated by the visitor but the agents are not readily available to respond to them.

What is your team's view on using Click Connector?

The team loves the product, they feel that it is an essential part of their workflows right now, and it truly has become an integral part of our business.

Each agent has their own records of chats, whereas, in Messenger, they had to find inquiries in a pile of conversations, which was a hectic task and very time-consuming. As chats get assigned to their inboxes directly, it helps them to respond to the messages immediately. They know that a particular chat that falls into their inbox is theirs to take care of, and as Managers, it is easy for us to understand who is handling the inquiry.

With the help of Click Connector, each agent is able to get an equal opportunity in handling chats as it is routed on an invite basis.

Finally, one important benefit is that they don't have to visit each platform individually. It's all located in one singular dashboard, and agents can switch between channels with minimum hassle. 

Are there any worse-case scenarios you were able to avoid by using Click Connector?

Without Click Connector, we will have to use different platforms, and there will be practical issues in terms of tracking leads and compiling stats manually, which will be a very long and time-consuming process. 

We run many marketing campaigns for lead generation. Missing out on potential leads is not a mistake we could afford as our investment goes in vain. Click Connector ensures that none of the leads is missed, even though there is a high volume of chats that come in every day. 

Are there any positive statistics after using Click Connector?

Yes. Firstly, there is an increase in productivity, especially after tagging chats, we were able to track the chat count monthly.  

Spending on ads is now more optimized. We can track leads, and we know what campaigns are performing and what is not, so it helps us strategically rethink our marketing decisions.  

Click Connector basically understands how sales agents work, and all the workflows are inbuilt so the agents' performance was improved.

Team Coordinator, Halo Flights